Flood Response Initiative

   KEPSA Foundation led the private sector floods response 2024 which targeted vulnerable communities affected by the floods.  Through this initiative, over 8,500 households were reached with donations from Chandaria Foundation, Team Pankaj Foundation, SHOFCO among other organizations. KEPSA Foundation Executive Director Ms. Gloria Ndekei was appointed into the National Steering Committee on Disaster Response among other private sector leaders with an aim to mobilize resources, coordinate national response and development of framework to calibrate the role of the private sector in climate change mitigation. 

Project’s Contact

  • 7th Floor, South Tower, Two Rivers, Limuru Rd, Nairobi. P.O. Box 3556-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
  • +254 202730371
    +254 720 340949
    735 999979
  • kepsa-foundation@kepsa.or.ke

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