On 5th March 2025, KEPSA Foundation Executive Director Ms. Gloria Ndekei led a delegation of private sector tree-growing champions to present KEPSA members’ tree planting initiatives report to the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry. The government delegation, led by Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Aden Duale and 15 Billion Trees Secretariat Coordinator, Ms. Susan Boit, hosted the meeting at the Ministry’s offices. The discussions focused on updating the Ministry on private sector contributions to the government’s 15 Billion Tree Growing Programme.
Cabinet Secretary Hon. Duale commended KEPSA Foundation for its efforts in compiling a comprehensive database of private sector tree planting initiatives. He underscored the critical role of the private sector as a key partner for Kenya’s 15 Billion Tree Growing Programme. He applauded the contributions of various organizations towards increasing the country’s tree cover. While reaffirming his commitment to strengthening collaboration with KEPSA and its members, he highlighted the importance of joint efforts in achieving tree-growing targets, including participation in tree-planting activities. Additionally, he briefed the meeting on NEMA’s new Extended Producer Responsibility regulations and encouraged private sector support for climate action through active community engagement.
On the way forward, Cabinet Secretary Hon. Duale recommended a collaboration with the Ministry of Education to encourage schools to green their environment and establish orchards, thereby fostering environmental sustainability and climate conservation practices within the school environment. Further, he urged KEPSA Foundation to continue documenting and harnessing the tree-growing initiatives while impressing upon the members to upload their tree planting initiatives on the Jaza Miti App to help in tracking the number of trees planted.
The Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Duale, further proposed that KEPSA Foundation and the private sector consider establishing awards to recognize and appreciate private sector members who have made significant contributions to environmental greening efforts.
Ms. Ndekei, while presenting KEPSA Foundation report on the private sector tree growing initiatives, underscored the role of KEPSA Foundation in coordinating the private sector on social issues that address the environment, vulnerable communities and governance. She highlighted the Foundation’s priority area on Community Climate Conservation Actions and Sustainability, which focuses on tree planting, establishment of orchards and setting up tree nurseries in schools.
Ms. Ndekei highlighted the Foundation’s Kijani initiative, which started in 2018, where KEPSA established orchards in schools with over 400 fruit trees in Mang’u High and Lenana Schools. This initiative has further been escalated through a partnership with Dow Chemicals and ChildFund, focusing on establishing orchards in schools in six counties. In 2024, the Foundation planted 300 fruit trees in Kiriri Primary School in Ndeiya and 200 fruit trees in Taita Taveta.
She further highlighted a partnership with Chandaria Foundation, MaMa Doing Good and Global Peace Foundation which has been establishing tree nurseries in schools to support the growing demand for tree seedlings. With support from Chandaria Foundation, KEPSA Foundation has supported three (3) nurseries in Kenyatta High School Mwatate, Lenana School and St. Elizabeth Chepkunyuk in Nandi. The three nurseries have an annual capacity of hosting 330,000 tree seedlings for consumption by the school and neighbouring communities.
The consolidated report, which was presented to the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry, showed that 71 KEPSA member organizations had planted 215,011,993 trees across the country out of their target of 1,162,797,900 trees as part of their Corporate Social Investment (CSI) and sustainability initiatives.
Private sector champions present at the meeting shared success stories from their tree-planting initiatives. For example, EarthLungs Reforestation Foundation showcased its 39 Million Trees Program, which had created 1,800 jobs. Safaricom highlighted its achievement of planting 2.3 million trees and a target of 5 million by 2030. Kenya Association of Manufactures (KAM) confirmed to have planted a total of 57,000 trees by 2024, while One Acre Fund shared its efforts in establishing 330 tree nurseries across 34 counties, contributing to nationwide reforestation and sustainability efforts.
The government delegation also included the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) Director General, Mr. Mamo Mamo and Forestry Administration Secretary, Mr. Evans Mutari. The private sector delegation included KEPSA Education, Sports, Arts & Culture and ICT Director, Ms. Mutheu Kasanga, and representatives from Safaricom Plc, Earthlungs Reforestation Foundation, One Acre Fund, Bamburi Cement Plc, Isuzu East Africa, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), East Africa Breweries Limited (EABL), and East Africa Tea Traders Association (EATTA).