On 3rd October 2024, the Kenya Private Sector Alliance Foundation (KEPSA Foundation) team led by Executive Director Ms. Gloria Ndekei hosted UNICEF Kenya Chief of Communication, Advocacy and Partnerships, Ms. Michelle Parazo-Borromeo and the Advocacy Consultant Ms. Gathoni Kungu, at KEPSA offices.

The purpose of the meeting was to advance advocacy for children’s rights and strengthen the collaboration between UNICEF and the KEPSA Foundation beyond the Better Business Practices for Children initiative.

The aim was to foster a responsible corporate culture and enhance community engagement, encouraging businesses to invest in initiatives that prioritize children’s needs within national development agendas. This will accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Vision 2030 to ensure sustainable progress for future generations.

KEPSA Foundation commits to continue working with all arms of UNICEF and children departments to push for the welfare of children in Kenya

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