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On 31st January 2025, KEPSA Foundation hosted the first Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Karen Country Club in Nairobi. The tournament, which aimed at raising funds for the Foundation’s community outreach programs, served as a premier networking platform for participating organizations with over 120 golfers drawn from different golf clubs in the country.

The event also featured an exclusive high-level side-event on Professional Women Empowered (PROWE) that brought together over 50 women CEOs from different business categories who discussed emerging social issues impacting businesses with a focus on Better Business Practices for Children, career advancement, and young women’s employability.  

Speaking during the awarding ceremony, Mr. Patrick Obath, Chairperson of KEPSA Foundation emphasized that while KEPSA focused on business advocacy, the Foundation was created to encourage businesses to engage in community service for positive social impact. He said the Foundation acts as an intermediary, allowing businesses to support community projects either directly or through syndicated efforts. Mr. Obath called for increased partnerships with KEPSA Foundation, highlighting its ability to reach diverse communities through its members.

Ms. Ruth Waruguru emerged as the overall winner with an impressive 42 points on countback (ACB), edging out runner-up Michael Mbungu, who also finished with 42 points ACB and second runner-up Mr. Philip Ivia who garnered 39 points ACB.

In the men’s category, Mr. Benson Wangalwa secured the top spot with 39 points ACB, while Ms. Michelle Muhanda clinched the ladies’ title with 38 points. Mr. Steve Lokonyo was awarded the best first nine (23 points) and Mr. Isaac Kimani for the best second nine (21 points ACB). Other notable winners included Ms. Kellie Gachaga, who was nearest to pin lady and Mr. Philip Makuyu, who was nearest to the pin man.

Ms. Carole Kariuki, CEO of KEPSA attended the event. She said that KEPSA’s role was not only advocating for collective policy engagement with the government to benefit the entire economy but also promoting business growth through various initiatives including partnerships to develop infrastructure and provide access to resources like financial and technical support.

Ms Gloria Ndekei, Executive Director of KEPSA Foundation, appreciated all partners and participants for a successful golf tournament. She indicated that this was just the first of many annual golf tournaments that the Foundation will host in the future. She also presented a special recognition award to Dr. Manu Chandaria for his benevolent support of KEPSA Foundation since its inception.

Senior Counsel, Professor Githu Muigai was also recognized for his support in unlocking stalled favourable legislation for KEPSA Foundation’s Better Business Practice for Children (BBPC) Program during his time as the Attorney General. Prof. Muigai also helped unlock various priority Bills for the private sector which in turn boosted the business environment.

The event was also attended by KEPSA Directors; Ms. Mutheu Kasanga (Education, Sports, Arts & Culture and ICT), Eng. James Mwangi (Energy, Extractives & Professional Services), Ms. Mary Ngechu (SMEs and Startups), and Mr. Orlando Lyomu (Communication & Public Relations) among other guests and Karen Country Club members, led by their Vice Captain Mr. Charles Omanga.

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