Community Outreach / Partnerships & Networks

KEPSA Foundation’s priority pillar of Community Outreach, Networking, and Partnership is dedicated to fostering strong, mutually beneficial relationships between the private sector and local communities. By engaging in community outreach, the Foundation ensures that the needs and challenges of various populations are understood and addressed through collaborative efforts. Networking initiatives create opportunities for businesses to connect with community leaders, non-profits, and other stakeholders, facilitating the exchange of ideas and resources thus building strong strategic partnerships that enhance social impact and drive sustainable development. Through these efforts, the KEPSA Foundation not only supports community growth and resilience but also strengthens the role of the private sector as a catalyst for positive change.


ChildFund to implement sustainable drought mitigation solutions for the communities in ASAL areas in response to the persistent drought cycles, Climate Action and Resilience programs.
MAMA Doing Good targeting to roll out initiatives such as breast and cervical cancer screening program targeting over 13,000 women's groups promoting early detection and management, among other women capacity building and climate action initiatives.
Light for the World with an aim to establish a framework for collaboration to explore and develop partnership opportunities that promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities within the private sector. Partnership development will involve championing disability inclusion, capacity building, research, internships, work placements, business opportunities, knowledge sharing, and joint initiatives. The framework also seeks to include and empower persons with disabilities in the private sector by promoting inclusive labor market practices, accessible business value chains, skills development, and awareness-raising campaigns.
KEPSA Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Chandaria Foundation and Global Peace Foundation to launch a tree seedlings initiative. This initiative focuses on establishing tree nurseries in schools and managing these nurseries effectively. By involving students and schools in the project, it fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. Additionally, the initiative aims to make the nurseries income-generating projects by selling seedlings to parents and the neighbouring community, thereby promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)