KEPSA Foundation Kijani Initiative

The Kijani initiative is dedicated to a tree planting program centered around the greening of schools and communities in Kenya which involves integrating environmental sustainability and green practices within the school environment. The primary goal is to establish healthier and more sustainable learning spaces for students, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility. This initiative particularly supports financially strained schools and insufficiently self-supporting projects.
In 2018, KEPSA Foundation initiated the school tree planting program in partnership with Mang’u and Lenana schools’ management and students. In 2023, Mang’u High School and Lenana Schools were revisited, where an orchard of over 400 avocado trees was established on 2 acres of land. This initiative recognizes that the fruit trees not only contribute to environmental protection but also serve as a nutritional source for learners and staff, acting as an alternative income source for schools and contributing to food security.
Due to the growing demand of promoting tree planting in schools, KEPSA Foundation has partnered with Chandaria Foundation, Global Peace Foundation and Mama Doing Good to establish tree nurseries in schools with pilot done in Lenana School Kenyatta High school in Mwatate, and St. Elizabeth in Nandi. Additionally, six more schools have been identified for the establishment of nurseries under this partnership, with key industry players serving as champions to enhance sustainability efforts.
Establishing orchards and planting trees within educational settings plays a pivotal role in creating a sustainable and thriving environment thus instilling environmental responsibility in students and fostering their understanding and appreciation for the importance of nature. This not only enhances the learning environment but also promotes physical and mental well-being.
Tree planting in schools provide invaluable educational opportunities for the students and the community. Students can learn about the life cycle of trees, the significance of biodiversity, and the interdependence of ecosystems. Engaging in tree planting activities cultivates a deeper understanding of environmental stewardship, nurturing a lifelong commitment to preserving and protecting nature.
Beyond the educational benefits, this project aims to help schools generate income to support financially challenged students, improve nutrition value for schools reduce carbon emissions to combat global warming, regulate rain seasons to boost agricultural produce, and contribute to the overall revival of the country’s economy.
Therefore, the long-term impact of this initiative is substantial as public schools in Kenya, with vast underutilized lands, can become economically stable and excellent centers for environmental education. The planting activities not only bring students and teachers together but also unite community members in the celebration of trees as a valuable community asset.
Moreover, engaging youths in this initiative will cultivate entrepreneurial skills within them, as the trees and orchards are intended to generate income for the schools and youth groups. A situational analysis conducted in Mbeere South, Embu County, revealed an opportunity to collaborate with local youth groups in cultivating and nurturing herbs and fruit trees. This initiative, which has the potential for replication and scaling up in other areas, demonstrates the broader impact of integrating entrepreneurship into environmental conservation efforts.
Project’s Contact
- 7th Floor, South Tower, Two Rivers, Limuru Rd, Nairobi. P.O. Box 3556-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
+254 202730371
+254 720 340949
735 999979 -
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